Teaching Awards:
2014: Provost Teaching Award, Yale University
2012: Yale Poorvu Family Award for Interdisciplinary Teaching
2005-2006: Roberts Wesleyan College Teaching Award in the Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Teaching: Yale University, New Haven, CT (2009 - present)
Spring ‘20: Physics of Music and Instrument Design (PHYS 118/ENAS 220/MUSI 187)
Spring ‘18, ‘19: Fundamentals of Physics II (PHYS 201)
A course intended for physics and engineering majors that is second in the physics sequence. Topics include electromagnetism, geometrical and physical optics, and elements of quantum mechanics.
Fall ‘18: Fundamentals of Physics I (PHYS 200)
A course intended for physics and engineering majors that begins the physics sequence. Topics include Newtonian mechanics, special relativity, gravitation, thermodynamics, and waves.
Spring ‘17: Introduction to Elementary Particle Physics (PHYS 526)
Graduate level particle physics, with an emphasis on experimental techniques and apparatus used in the field.
Fall ’11, ‘13, ‘17 and Spring ‘16: The Physics of Dance (PHYS 115/THST 115)
Co-developed and taught with professional dancer Emily Coates, a professor in the Theater Studies department. This course breaks new ground at Yale with an interdisciplinary dialogue between the sciences and the arts. Taken primarily by non-science majors, the course fulfills Yale’s science credit and quantitative reasoning credit.
Spring ’14,’15:Introductory Physics for the Life Sciences (PHYS 171)
Calculus-based Electricity and Magnetism primarily for students in the life sciences, taught in the TEAL (technology enabled active learning) classroom.
July, 2012: Participant in Yale Summer Institute on Scientific Teaching
Four-day workshop to “explore new models of instruction and develop teaching skills and materials to transform undergraduate classes”
Facilitator in June, 2014
Spring, 2012: The Physics of Music (PHYS 118 / MUSI 200)
Developed and taught this new course for non-scientists introducing topics in physics and mathematics that are relevant for the development of musical instruments, musical scales, the study of acoustics and other topics. The course fulfills Yale’s science credit and quantitative reasoning credit and counts toward
a music major.
Spring, 2011: Modern Physics (PHYS 110)
A quantitative reasoning course for non-majors that explores topics in modern physics. Co-taught with Professor Tobias Golling.
Spring, 2011: General Physics Measurement Laboratory Course (PHYS 166)
A second semester introductory lab sequence course for non-majors
Fall, 2009: Modern Physical Measurement Laboratory Course (PHYS 205/206) A two-term sequence of experiments in classical and modern physics for students who plan to major in Physics.
Teaching, Roberts Wesleyan College (2004 - 2006):
Introductory Physics Sequence, Lectures + Labs, Algebra-Based (PHY 101, 102, 103)
Physics of Music, Lecture + Lab, Course for non-majors (PHY 115)
Introductory Physics Sequence, Lectures + Labs, Calculus-Based (PHY 201, 202, 203)
Statics (PHY 210)
Electric Circuits (PHY 211)
Classical Mechanics (PHY 301)
Quantum Physics (PHY 401)